Looking for a Flexible, Remote Job? Learn What it's Like to Teach English Online With VIPKid!
Posted Dec 09, 2018
VIPKid provides educators the opportunity to teach English online to children in China, with the flexibility to teach from anywhere via their innovative online learning platform. What's it like to work for the company ranked #1 for Remote Work in 2018 by FlexJobs? Check out teacher Martha's story below to find out!
{Interested in working for VIPKid? Learn more and sign up HERE.}
Q: What have been some of the best parts of working for VIPKid?
A: The best part is the 25 minutes when I’m in the classroom with my student. The camera opens up and I see the student - the world disappears and we have the opportunity to interact on a personal level. It’s not just teaching them English it’s actually forming a relationship.
Q: What kind of a teacher are you?
A: In my brick and mortar classroom as a 6th grade teacher, I’m what one would say is a very serious teacher. With VIPKid, I’m also a serious teacher, but I think I’m a little more lively because I really want that student engagement. I get to use props. The classroom is fun and engaging.
Q: This prop bag you have here, can you tell us a little about it?
A: This is Dino’s backpack. When I have a student who’s a little nervous, Dino let’s me use his backpack that’s full of affirmations. For example, one side is Dino’s lunchbox and the other side says “I am loved.” I have the students repeat this and I say “Yes, you are." I tell the students, when you feel like you’re facing a challenge to remember what you pulled out of Dino’s backpack and you tell yourself, “I am loved. I can do many things. I get better everyday."
Q: What do you like about VIPKid?
A: I love so many things about VIPKid I could make a list of the 500 things I love about it. I love that my schedule is flexible, how much fun I have at this stage of my teaching career - it renewed my passion for teaching and my confidence in the next generation.
Q: Do you have any stories?
A: One of my favorite students is a very serious 7-year-old student. During part of our lesson, there’s usually a song, and I say, “Leo, let’s sing the song!” and he’ll say, “No Martha, I think I shall read the song." One day, when I opened up my camera, I heard him humming and asked him to sing the song that day, and we did. It’s little experiences like that. Where we sorta stretched and got out of his comfort zone and had fun.
A: We had a lesson around the work of Dr. Martin Luther King with one of my favorite students. At the beginning of the lesson he didn’t know anything about Dr. King and civil rights. Twenty-five minutes later he felt something in his heart about Dr. King and civil rights. It was magical.
Q: If there was a way, what would you say to thank VIPKid for all the amazing experiences that you’ve had?
A: The first thing I would say to thank VIPKid is, thank you for giving me the freedom to not live in fear. Before VIPKid, when you turn on the TV with all the news, you start to think the world is a bad place. Now I want to know more about the world and I have a connection with China, with the kids and with their families.
A: One of my favorite students' mom left a comment in my feedback once that said “Teacher Martha, you’re not just Leo’s teacher, you’re part of our family.” And I thought, wow, I feel the same way about you. It’s like our hearts connected. So, VIPKid, thank you for giving me this opportunity to have a heart connection to someone that’s on the other side of the country.
Q: What does a normal day with VIPKid look like?
A: I’m a 6th grade teacher in Seaside, CA. The highlight of my day does not start until I’m with Dino and VIPKid after I get home, sit down at my computer, and that computer opens up and I see my favorite VIPKid student. That’s the highlight of the day.
Q: What would you like your students to take away from VIPKid?
A: Through their experience with me in the classroom and learning English in a different way, I hope as my students get older they’re not fearful of new experiences and new people. I hope that they look back on their time with VIPKid as a wonderful experience that showed them the world is a marvelous place and that even though someone may not look exactly like them, we’re all pretty much all the same. Everyone wants to feel loved and respected.
It’s more than just teaching English, it’s teaching about the world around us and that you really can belong anywhere with VIPKid and you’re a global citizen. We all are.
Are you interested in becoming a VIPKid teacher? Learn more and sign up HERE.
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