Staying Healthy While Social Distancing: Our CEO's Daily Routine
By Jamie Ratner, CertifKID Founder & CEOPosted Mar 26, 2020

I’ve always been a person that made health and wellness a priority in my daily routine. After all, if I’m not feeling my best, how can I do my best for anyone else? That philosophy has helped me every step of my personal journey. Whether it was time to cram for an exam in my days at Penn State, starting a career, being a good example for my kids, or becoming an entrepreneur. Now, in a world where we all find ourselves in uncharted territory with stress levels rising daily, I find comfort in those routines and thought maybe sharing would help some of you.
I think it’s important that we talk about how life has changed since the onset of this pandemic. Why? Because being open about the very real impact of this thing gives us a chance to share, to be heard, and maybe lessen the burden just a bit.
Right now I am under extreme stress. Honestly founding a business and running it daily as the CEO comes with stress, but not like this. I find myself worried not just about keeping the business I’ve built over the last decade afloat, but about my team, our business partners, the small businesses we help, and the families of all of these people. I worry about my kids. How are they feeling about things? Will this crisis have far reaching consequences for them, their friends and our community? It would be so easy to fall down a rabbit hole of worry and stress these days. That’s where my routine comes in to pull me back from the edge.
A few months back I wrote about my daily routine on my personal blog. CertifiKID started as a blog and yes, I still blog! Here is what my routine looks like these days after coronaviurs came in and changed things;
7am: Wake Up - Even though I don't need to get the kids off to the bus stop, I’m still trying to keep us all on a schedule Since they’re home with me quiet time isn’t something I’m getting a whole lot of. This time in my day is all the more important to me. I’m also not giving up the joy in that first cup of coffee alone in the morning or the extra energy it gives me, for sure.
Coffee is followed up by some fruit and water. I like to fill my Vitamix with water and a fruit, just one type. Something like strawberries or cantaloupe blended with the water. I know that sounds strange but it is the only way I can go about drinking enough water most days. I’m not the best water drinker on a good day and right now, hydration is super important. Honestly, I’ll do just about anything that is going to keep me healthy and out of the doctor’s office any day, especially these days.
9am: Wake Kids Up & Make Breakfast - Breakfast needs to be easy, because getting kids up never seems to be. My go-to for a healthy, easy morning meal for them is a smoothie. I’ve been hooked on ordering Revive Superfoods smoothies lately. I stock my freezer with them and breakfast is half done already. I don't need to worry about produce going bad, or how much of what to put in the blender at a time. Plus, if I wasn’t able to get to the grocery store (a more common occurrence event before coronavirus!), I know the freezer has me covered.
Personally, I really like Revive’s Clean and Green smoothie but the kids are totally obsessed with Acai Bowls. So we make sure to always have both. As a mom, it feels great to know the kids are fueling their bodies with healthy fruits and veggies while also loving what’s for breakfast. At least they’re starting the day off healthy before the snacking begins. Are my kids the only one’s eating through snacks like termites do wood these days?
While the kids and I like our Revive smoothies and bowls, my husband is a big oatmeal eater. But, Revive has me covered there too with their overnight oats. I just pour some oat milk (though you can use other liquids too) into the Revive oatmeal cup at night and it’s ready to go in the morning. One less thing on my to-do list is a big deal. I may be guilty of sneaking some of his Banana Nut and Berry Patch oatmeal before he gets to it though. Who can blame me? It’s yummy! .
9:30am: Morning Movement - After breakfast, I do my best to get everyone moving. Most mornings we’ve been able to get in a 15-minute walk around the block. I really treasure this time in the fresh air with my family before the day gets underway. We talk and laugh. It boosts my spirits and really does remind me of what I’m working for. Once we’re back inside it’s time for school work for them and getting down to business for me.
11:30am: Yoga Break - By this point in the day, I need to take a break, breathe and find my center. Yoga is such a great way to make that mind-body connection that is a key part of our wellness. Since life changed because of the virus, my yoga practice has changed up a bit too. I can't get out to yoga classes with my instructor (though I’m keeping my membership active to support my local studio during this time) I’ve been online yoga classes with Yoga International via their FREE 30-day membership. Definitely check it out, your mind and body will thank you!
12:30pm: Lunch - When lunch rolls around, I try to pull together something balanced with a protein and a veggie. I am also taking advantage of this time to teach the kids basic cooking skills. Last week we started on an eggs series of lessons; omelettes, scrambling, sunny-side up, and even things as bold as frittatas. It’s been really fun and tasty too, even with the things that didn’t quite come out as planned. That they can build these life skills and enjoy doing it, has truly been one of the silver linings these days.
After lunch it’s back to work for me and creative play or reading for the kids. Loving what I do for work makes it easier not to wish I could be playing too.
4pm: Time For A Run - This really is my Me Time. I am so grateful I am still able to keep up with my running. I can't imagine how I would function at all without it. Running has always been a stress release for me. Now my daily run is even more important to me than ever. It’s the one place where I don’t have to think about coronavirus at all. I can listen to music, a podcast, or audio book. I’ve found some great inspiration in listening to Oprah’s podcast on my recent runs.
That’s been a big help in so many ways. When I’m back from my run it’s back to work and that inspiration stays with me through the rest of my work day, and beyond.
7pm: Dinner - Before the pandemic, we rarely had real family dinners. Like most of you our evenings were filled with running around to sports and activities for the kids. Plus, Brian often worked late nights at the office. Another silver lining in all this craziness had been being able to slow things down, gather around the table and have real dinners together as a family. I will always treasure these times.
Dinner also gives us the chance to lend support to the local businesses that are so important to us. We’ve been ordering in and getting take-out from a number of our favorite restaurants and we’ll do that for as long as they stay open. That doesn’t mean we aren't’ eating healthy though. I try to make sure there are salads, plenty of vegetables, and as many whole-food options as possible. The whole family loves a sushi night!
Evening Time - Besides my morning coffee, the other place I make room for joy in my day, every day, is my long, warm shower every night. This time in the world has really made me extra aware that the simple things really do so much happiness to our lives.
Speaking of happiness, this time of the day is where I grant my kids free reign to enjoy screen time. Whether that’s gaming, streaming movies, or Facetime with their friends, I know this is happy-time for them. I like to relax with a little screen time too. I love the TV show, Curb Your Enthusiasm. Laughing through that one really is great medicine!
Since as far back as I can remember, I’ve tried to end my days with reflection. Lots of us are making an effort to do that now, through things like meditation or mindfulness practices. For me, it’s journaling. Like many of the staples of my daily routine, I’m finding this practice is even more helpful right now. The world is a scary place these days, there is so much anxiety and uncertainty. Journaling helps me to work through those things. It also helps me to remember how much good there is in my life, It prompts me to remember that everyday holds possibility and that every night I have the opportunity to let go of the things that I can’t control.
This is what life looks like for me in the first week of social distancing. Who knows what the weeks ahead will look like. Two things I do know right now are that my routine is serving me well and that I am extremely grateful for everyone in my life including all of you.
Want to hear about what other parents are saying? Read our article; Coronavirus Survey Results: What Families Want and Need Right Now.
CertifiKID was founded by a mom with a passion for helping parents provide the best experiences for their children on a budget. From outings to adventures, classes to camps, theater to sporting events, amusement parks to getaways, CertifiKID provides the best family-friendly experiences at unbeatable prices. Sign up for family-friendly deals in your area and start saving!
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