Father's Day DIY Roundup: The Best Handmade Gifts, Treats & Activities for Dad's Big Day
By Kim HumphreyPosted Jun 01, 2020

If you told me at Easter that we would still be celebrating holidays (mostly) at home come Father's Day, I wouldn't have thought it possible, but alas, here we are. One of the silver linings of this extended lockdown has been more time and renewed excitement in making and creating things together. And having a holiday or celebration to center your creating around makes it even more fun.
We searched high and low to bring you the best Father's Day DIY gifts, treats and activities to make dad's day extra special this year.
Gifts for Dad Handmade With Love
Handprint Baseball
Handprint Baseball Father's Day Gift by Sunny Day Family
As a mom to two baseball-obsessed boys who spent countless hours playing catch with their dad during their childhood, this DIY handprint baseball project pulls at my heart strings. All you need to create this special gift is a baseball, ink pad, and a display case (optional, but can be purchased inexpensively at a craft store). I also think it would be fun addition to have your child sign their name and age either within their handprint or next to it.
Origami Shirt Card
Dad shirt and tie cards are a Father's Day staple that children have been toting home from school in their backpacks for generations. We love this fun and unique origami twist on this fave that can be personalized any way you choose to match dad's personality. You can stick with plain old construction paper or order some patterned origami paper to jazz up your design a bit - especially fun if your dad happens to be a big fan of wearing Hawaiian shirts!
LEGO Minifigure Dad Superhero Shadowbox
DIY Father's Day Superhero Shadowbox by Dawn Redbud Drive
This project is a bit more involved (and there are many versions available for purchase on Etsy, if you please), but we LOVE these "Dad is our hero" LEGO Minifigure shadowboxes so much, especially for dads and kids who bond over LEGO building and/or superhero movie-watching. The most difficult part of this project is getting the printed background size and layout correct. We found this free printable, which makes that part easy. If you are a creative type, you can make your own version and even add scrabble tiles across the top that spell out "Dad" or "Daddy."
All About Dad Printable
This is a classic that just can't be missed! I have multiple versions of these from all three of my kids at different ages, and it's so fun to look back at them now and see how their ideas and opinions about their dad changed over time when they were little. Here are links to a few favorites that we found. Use one of these or make your own!
The Frugal Sisters
Momista Beginnings
Brooklyn Berry Designs
Building Memories With Dad
While there are many ways you can go about creating a Father's Day "pick your activity" gift, this is the cutest idea we've seen. Have your kiddos brainstorm a bunch of fun activities they would like to do with their dad, write them on LEGO or other building bricks with permanent marker, and place them in a mason jar with a cute "Building Memories With Dad" label.
Father's Day 'Dad Libs'
Mad Libs is a childhood favorite word game, and this dad version is so much fun! Interview dad a few days prior for his answers (while keeping quiet about what you're up to, of course) and then present his 'story' with great fanfare on Father's Day. Alternatively, this is a great family activity for the Father's Day brunch or dinner table. Five Heart Home has a cute printable you can use; consult Google for more options.
Handprint Grill Apron
Handprint Grill Apron by That's What Che Said
This is a great (and practical) gift idea for the dads out there who fancy themselves grill masters. This version from That's What Che Said calls for using a cutting machine and iron ons to create the grill and lettering. If you don't have those things at your disposal, you could easily adapt this to an easier version by using fabric markers paired with a stencil for the lettering (or let your child write the words) and freehand the grill design.
Daddy's Little Monster Footprint and Handprint Art
Monsters Inc Inspired Footprint Art by www.iheartartsncrafts.com
Daddy's little monsters will have a blast creating these footprint and handprint monsters modeled after Mike and Sully of Monster's Inc fame. Or, let them embrace their creativity and design their own unique monsters!
Homemade Treats to Celebrate Dad
If the way to your dad's heart is through his stomach, then these homemade treats are sure to please papa bear.
Hole in One Doughnuts
Golf Donuts for Dad from Frugal Coupon Living via Pinterest
Your golf-loving dad will go crazy 'fore' these hole in one doughnuts - a great way to start off his Father's Day! This version uses chocolate cake mix baked in a silicone doughnut mold, but you could also pick up plain doughnuts at your local bakery or doughnut shop to decorate or use a more traditional baked doughnut recipe.
Candy Tackle Box
Tackle Box Candy Father's Day Candy Gift by Crafty Morning via Pinterest
Okay, so this isn't technically "homemade," but it is "home crafted." If your dad loves fishing and has a sweet tooth, this candy tackle box is the absolute cutest. Order up some of his favorite fishy-themed sweets - Sweedish Fish and fish and worm gummies work great - and stuff full either a real tackle box or craft organizer to create the ultimate Father's Day treat.
Pizza Cookie
Is your dad a pizza lover? Or a cookie lover? Or both? Then this one's for him! Surprise dad by ringing the doorbell like a real pizza delivery and presenting him with his "pizza," which is in fact an oversize sugar cookie covered with red frosting, random drizzles and drops of white frosting to mimic shredded cheese, and fruit roll-ups cut into circles for the pepperoni. For the most authentic presentation, grab a pizza box from your local pizza joint or order one online. Get creative and spell out "#1 Dad" with your pepperoni! Gluesticks blog has detailed instructions for making this fun Father's Day treat.
Grill Cupcakes
Photo: Wilton Cake Decorating via Facebook
Another fun one for your resident dad grill master, these adorb cupcakes use Mike and Ike's, Dots and Werther's Chewy Caramels to create the food (and food decorating pens for the grill lines) paired with gray icing and orange sugar sprinkles for the grill. Get the full recipe and detailed directions in this video.
DIY Father's Day Backyard Fun
Depending on the restrictions in your area, you may or may not be able to get out with dad this Father's Day. If stay at home orders are still in place where you live, or your family feels safer staying at home, we have some ideas to bring the Father's Day fun to your backyard.
Backyard Mini Golf Course
How to Build a Homemade Mini Golf Course from eHow via Pinterest
Put your kids' imaginations to work creating an epic DIY mini golf course right in your own backyard! Use cardboard boxes paired with paper tubes, plastic cups, paper plates, cereal boxes, pool noodles, balloons, flower pots, building blocks, and more to create a variety of ramps, obstacles, twists, turns and tunnels to navigate through.
Outdoor Movie Theater
Surprise dad with a "drive-in" movie theater experience right in your own backyard! Family movie night is always a hit and it's even more fun under the stars. While this may seem like a daunting and expensive task, it's really quite simple. This video shows you how to create your projection screen for under $12 with a plastic shower curtain and other materials purchased from a dollar store. You can also hang sheets as shown in this video. You will need to purchase an outdoor or portable projector to show your movie, which range in price from $60 on up.
Happy Father's Day to all of the awesome dads out there!
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